Poohlédnutí po sedmi letech

September 11th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

11. září 2001 – datum které ovlivnilo život každého z nás. Ať už je to zvýšená kontrola cestujících na letištích, zpřísněné předpisy na hraničních přechodech do USA, či návštěvy turistických atrakcí: reakce amerických (a následně kanadských) úřadů a všeobecná obava z dalších možných teroristických útoků proti západní civilizaci zanechaly trvalé následky na naší kolektivní psýše. A to ani nemluvím o těch, kdo ztratili své nejbližší ve World Trade Center v New Yorku, v Pentagonu, či v poli u Shanksville v Pensylvánii… Read the rest of this entry »

Na skle malované

September 11th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

Před začátkem prázdnin jsme psali of připravovaném muzikálu Slovenské mladé scényNa skle malované“. Došlo k upřesnění místa představení: Michael Power / St. Joseph High School, 105 Eringate Drive, Etobicoke:

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Thomas Jan Bata: September 17, 1914 – September 1, 2008

September 6th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

In the packed Franciscan Church of St. Bonaventura in Toronto, hundreds of people gathered on Friday, September 5th, to pay their respect and give a final farewell to the Czech-born Canadian industrialist Thomas J. Bata. Among those in presence were of numerous representatives of Canadian and Czech businesses, as well as political, military and community leaders from both countries. The government of the Czech Republic sent a special delegation that included the Czech vice-premier Jiří Čunek and Consul General of the Czech Republic in Toronto, Richard Krpač. Read the rest of this entry »

Toronto’s Czech Community Gossip

September 2nd, 2008 by Tina

I have recently heard and read some interesting things about what has been going on in Toronto’s Czech community, particularly Masaryk Memorial Institute. Some of us in the community are capable of turning mice into elephants with an interesting twist on reality.

However, that is not the point of this piece. I don’t want to get caught up in those issues because then I’d be a hypocrite doing exactly what everyone else is doing, which is precisely what I hope to stop with this article. Read the rest of this entry »

Pilsner Urquell draught back in Canada

August 21st, 2008 by Jerry Kott

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, a more joyous occasion happened in the heart of Toronto’s financial district:

Consul General of the Czech Republic in Toronto
After years of absence, the grandfather of all pilsners, Pilsner Urquell, found its way to taps at select Ontario restaurants. SABMiller, the importer, in co-operation with Consul General of the Czech Republic in Toronto Richard Krpač, hosted a grand-opening dinner at Toronto’s Beer Bistro restaurant.

After a brief address by Mr. Krpač, in which he instructed the guests on the proper pronounciation of Czech toast “Na zdraví“, the audience received a special treat: a presentation about the origin of Pilsner Urquell by Ryan N. Johnson, a beer specialist with SABMiller. He complemented his brief lecture with an explanation of proper ways to taste beer and enjoy Pilsner Urquell to its fullest. Read the rest of this entry »

Srpnový meetup

August 17th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

Setkání Čechů a česky mluvících (či snažících se mluvit) proběhlo v sobotu 16. srpna ve Fiddler’s Dell Bar and Grill v západní části Toronta. Setkání se konají každou třetí sobotu v měsíci a vítán je každý, kdo mluví česky nebo má zájem se naučit.

Sad End of the Prague Spring

August 14th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

Toronto – Today, the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Toronto Mr. Richard Krpač hosted an informal press conference at his residence, titled 1968, August 21: Sad End of the Prague Spring. Among the guests were leading Canadian journalists, writers and diplomats connected with events in Czechoslovakia of 1968: former chief political correspondent for […]

Pilsner Was Born In Moscow?

August 2nd, 2008 by Jerry Kott

In this age of political correctness, one would think that LCBO ought to know better than offend Czech national sensibilities. According to their recent advertising insert published in liquor stores, magazines and newspapers across Ontario, Pilsner, the Czech national brand, was born in… Moscow of all the places:

Is Czech-Canadian Honeymoon Over?

July 26th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

It’s been less than a year since Canada lifted visa requirements for citizens of the Czech Republic. Last February, Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper were excitingly positive about Czech-Canadian relations.

Beijing Olympics And Human Rights

July 26th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

The picture says it all: The Chinese police state doesn’t like the world to see inside China – and rightly so. According to this article in The Globe And Mail, some 400,000 police informants and ‘security volunteers’ are being recruited to ensure the ‘safety’ of the Olympics. Of course, the communist regime in Beijing highest […]

Český “meetup” v Torontě

July 17th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

Příští “České setkání” se koná tuto sobotu, 19. července. Podrobnosti a registrace zde.

Virtual Czech Republic

July 16th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

We have come across a very beautiful site showing off some of the jewels of the Czech Republic in a 3D virtual view. Worth visiting!

Czech Republic through the Eyes of a Canadian Choirboy

July 15th, 2008 by Nový Domov

By Ryan Knowles I absolutely could not wait for the plane to leave. I had already put my suitcase into the hands of Czech Airlines, and was now desperately trying to shove my enormous carry-on bag into the top shelves. Finding this physically impossible, I resigned myself to a slightly less comfortable flight with my […]

Bastille Day

July 14th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

Today is the anniversary of the storming of Bastille, the prison that symbolized the absolute rule of the French Monarchy. 14th of July 1789 marked the beginning of the French revolution, and the end of belief that kings and aristocrats had divine right to rule. The citizens themselves would take the matter of the state […]

Je to oficiální!

July 10th, 2008 by Nový Domov

Vážení čtenáři Nového Domova, jedním z cílů Masarykova ústavu je informovat nejen vás, ale i široký okruh zájemců v Kanadské společnosti a jinde ve světě o událostech které mají vliv na život našich krajanů a vztahy mezi našimi starými a novými vlastmi. Jak si jistě vzpomínáte, před časem proběhla v Novém Domově anketa o tom, […]

Call for Volunteers

July 10th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

At out last board meeting (yes there is such a thing – if you are into business administration, why not join MMI so you can help out?), we discussed urgent need for volunteers. There are few things that we would really appreciate the help of some enthusiastic young hands: We are in the final stages […]

We are ad-supported

July 8th, 2008 by Nový Domov

Hi there! Starting today, we are including ads on the blog. Although we are trying to remain as unobtrusive as possible, the reality of being a charity is that every penny of revenue is dear. Including ads on the web site is one way to generate funds that can be used to support our programs. […]

Den Kanady – část II.

July 2nd, 2008 by George Jiří Grosman

Myslím, že Canada Day je v mé domácnosti větší událost než v mnohých domácnostech kanadských. Tedy v domácnostech lidí narozených v Kanadě, protože koneckonců moje domácnost je také kanadská, ba typicky kanadská: i já i žena máme dvojí občanství. Přesto mám dojem, že státní svátek slavím trochu nadšeněji a náruživěji než průměrný Kanaďan. Minule si […]

K narozeninám…

July 2nd, 2008 by Jerry Kott

…chtěl bych ti dát něco víc, než se obvykle dává, k narozeninám, ať se ti láska za roh neschovává, k narozeninám, ráno tě líbat a večer bozkávat k narozeninám. Věžním hodinám zbývá teď oddělit poslední chvíle a chviličky, k narozeninám, ke stisku napřáhnout zlacený ručičky, k narozeninám odkaž své trápení, slzy a slzičky věžním hodinám. […]

Site evolution

June 29th, 2008 by Nový Domov

Ahoj! We have a few more registered subscribers, but I noticed that the RSS subscribe has been hidden from the view, at the bottom of your browser window. We have fixed that. If you have a modern browser like Firefox (sadly, the new Internet Explorer has some compatibility issues and many people are still not […]