Archive for April, 2009

Editorial 9.4.2009

Thursday, April 9th, 2009 by Nový Domov

Milí čtenáři,

vloni jsem to cítila v kostech a letos se to potvrdilo. Nic naplat, je rok velkých změn. Věci se hýbou nejen v globálním měřítku, ale i na zcela osobní úrovni. Naši sousedé mají nového prezidenta a můj soused má nové zaměstnání. Ovšem ani Nový domov se změnám nevyhnul. Možná jste se podivovali nad tím, jak se střídala jména těch, co psali tento úvodník v posledním roce. Určitě jste si všimli i jiných změn. (more…)

Hudebně-poetické skvosty

Monday, April 6th, 2009 by Nový Domov

Hudebne-poeticke skvosty:

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Program složený z hudby, recitace a dramatizace krásného slova připravila již posedmé Olga Turoková. A přestože v tentýž den se konaly velikonoční trhy a další pořady v komunitě, byla hala kostela sv. Pavla v Torontu téměř zaplněna. Na programu se podileli Andrej Pevný hrou na varhany, Marka Rajná zpěvem a hudebním přednesem, recitovaly sestřičky Žanetka a Danielka Pastorovy – nutno upřesnit, že ve slovenštině (holčičky čtou, mluví i recitují bez akcentu), dále recitovaly Katka Kozáková, Eva Slatkovská, Věra Kohoutová a Olga Turoková, zpívaly matka s dcerou Zita a Gena van Oosten, Jarek Číhal, na klavír hrál Jovan Stojkovič, v dramatizaci vystupoval mj. Petr Kohout. Diváci program hodnotili jediným slovem – nádherný, a přáli by si takový uspořádat ještě ne jednou.

Full text of Barack Obama’s speech at the Prague Castle

Sunday, April 5th, 2009 by Jerry Kott
Barack Obama deliver a speech at the Prague Castle

Barack Obama deliver a speech at the Prague Castle

Today, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered in Prague his  first major speech of his foreign policy. Speaking in front of a crowd of over ten thousand people, he referred to the founder and the first President of independent Czechoslovakia, Tomáš G. Masaryk, and to important events that shaped European and Czech history of the 20th century.

He also laid out a framework for his foreign policy, in a bold and ambitious call for a ban on nuclear weapon tests, strenghtening of the nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, and a guarantee of every nation’s right to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Using Prague as the setting to engage the world’s nuclear nations, Obama’s speech is symbolic on several levels. Although the country itself never acquired nuclear weapons, Czechoslovakia was a major supplier of uranium for Soviet military during the Cold War. Thousands of its citizens were imprisoned, tortured and used as slaves in inhuman conditions of its uranium mines in Jáchymov, Příbram, and other uranium mining centres. And finally, in the year that marks 20th anniversary of the unravelling of the Communist rule in Eastern Europe, 10th anniversary of Czech Repubic’s admission to NATO, and the first-ever turn of Czech Republic to hold the EU presidency, it signals that Czech Republic, after centuries of foreign or oppressive rule, is finally firmly in a community of free nations that, despite their occasional differences, treat each other as partners in a peaceful co-operation. (more…)

Barack Obama will give a public address while in Prague

Friday, April 3rd, 2009 by Nový Domov
US President Barack Obama Visit to Prague

US President Barack Obama Visit to Prague

The itinerary of U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Prague has been made public. Mr. President arrives to Prague tomorrow (Saturday, April 4th) around 5 pm. On Sunday morning, he will give a public speech at Hradčanské náměstí, in front of the historic entrance to the Prague Castle.

More information available at the US Embassy in Prague web site.