Call for Volunteers

July 10th, 2008 by Jerry Kott

At out last board meeting (yes there is such a thing – if you are into business administration, why not join MMI so you can help out?), we discussed urgent need for volunteers. There are few things that we would really appreciate the help of some enthusiastic young hands:

We are in the final stages of preparing the pool in the park for its opening. I know, late, but better late than never. We have secured some funds to operate it this season, and are looking at pool operators who would run the necessary technical and operation stuff. It needs to be drained and cleaned (hopefully this weekend), and then, for the rest of the summer, we’ll need volunteers to collect admission. It’s not a paid job, but as a reward, you’ll get all the great outdoor time with the free use of the pool. If you are interested, call MMI office at 416-439-4354.

On October 26th, MMI and other community organizations, including the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto, will hold a celebration to commemorate the founding of the independent Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. We are looking for a few volunteers to help with the preparation and the running of the festivities. Again, call 416-439-4354 if you’d like to help out.



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