Communist Putsch Anniversary

February 25th, 2009 by Jerry Kott

Today, many Czechs & Slovaks around the world commemorate the takeover of the government of Czechoslovakia. February 25, 1948 started over forty years of oppressive totalitarian regime in our homeland, resulting in thousands of deaths, broken families, and destroyed fortunes.

On the positive side, many others found refuge and new home in democratic countries around the world, Canada being one of the most generous of them. It is our imperative to remember this dark day in our nation’s history, but also to express our gratitude and happiness at being able to live in such a great and beautiful country that is Canada.

Here are some news about events in Czech Republic commemorating this day in 1948.

Former Czech political prisoners warn youth against communism

Rally warns of 1948 Communist coup in Prague centre

Students’ 1948 bid to save democracy remembered



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